List of contributors
The effect of points fattening in dimension three
Some remarks on surface moduli and determinants
Valuation spaces and multiplier ideals on singular varieties
Line arrangements modeling curves of high degree Equations syzygies and secants
Rationally connected manifolds and semipositivity of the Ricci curvature
Subcanonical graded rings which are not CohenMacaulay
Threefold divisorial contractions to singularities of cE type
Special prime Fano fourfolds of degree 10 and index 2
Configuration spaces of complex and real spheres
Twenty points in 3
The Betti table of a high-degree curve is asymptotically pure
Partial positivity Geometry and cohomology of q-ample line bundles
Generic vanishing fails for singular varieties and in characteristic p 0
Deformations of elliptic CalabiYau manifolds
Derived equivalence and non-vanishing loci II
The automorphism groups of Enriques surfaces covered by symmetric quartic surfaces
Lower-order asymptotics for Szegoe and Toeplitz kernels under Hamiltonian circle actions
Gaussian maps and generic vanishing I Subvarieties of abelian varieties
Torsion points on cohomology support loci From D-modules to Simpsons theorem
Rational equivalence of 0-cycles on K3 surfaces and conjectures of Huybrechts and OGrady