Front Cover
Halftitle Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Notes on Contributors
History and the Medium of Film
Politics and the Historical Film: Hotel Rwanda and the Form of Engagement
History as Palimpsest: Stanley Kubrick's Barry Lyndon (1975)
Flagging up History: The Past as a DVD Bonus Feature
The History Film as a Mode of Historical Thought
Filmmakers as Historians
Julia's Resistant History: Women's Historical Films in Hollywood and the Legacy of Citizen Kane
Mark Donskoi's Gorky Trilogy and the Stalinist Biopic
The Subjects of History: Italian Filmmakers as Historians
Andrzej Wajda as Historian
Telling Lives: The Biopic
Oliver Stone's Nixon: The Rise and Fall of a Political Gangster
Authorial Histories: The Historical Film and the Literary Biopic
The Biopic in Hindi Cinema
The Lives and Times of the Biopic
Cinema and the Nation
Gang Wars: Warner Brothers' the Roaring Twenties Stars, News, and the New Deal
State Terrorism on Film: Argentine Cinema During the First Years of Democracy (1983–1990)
Fossil Frontiers: American Petroleum History on Film
Sounding the Depths of History: Opera and National Identity in Italian Film
Wars and Revolutions
Generational Memory and Affect in letters from Iwo Jima
Post-Heroic Revolution: Depicting the 1989 Events in the Romanian Historical Film of the Twenty-First Century
In Country: Narrating the Iraq War in Contemporary US Cinema
Premodern Times
Heart and Clock: Time and History in the Immortal Heart and Other Films about the Middle Ages
The Anti-Samurai Film
Slavery and the Postcolonial World
The Politics of Cine-Memory: Signifying Slavery in the History Film
The African Past on Screen: Moving beyond Dualism
Colonial Legacies in Contemporary French Cinema: Jews and Muslims on Screen
"What's Love Got to Do with It?": Sympathy, Antipathy, and the Unsettling of Colonial American History in Film