Front Cover
Half Title Page
Other Front Matter
Title Page
Copyright Page
Other Front Matter
Figures and Tables
Conflict Management Knowledge and Skills
Manager Know Thyself
Theory to Practice: The Root Causes and Cures of Conflict
The Power of Negotiation: Essential Concepts and Skills
The Alternative Dispute Resolution Process Continuum
Preventing and Resolving Internal Conflict
Causes and Cures for Employee Turnover
Building Successful Teams and Organizations
Conflict Management in Unionized Environments
Designing Disputing Systems for Organizations
Preventing and Resolving External Conflicts
Prevention and Resolution of Conflicts with Clients, Customers, and Vendors
Case Studies of Organizational Success through Exemplary Customer Conflict Management
Collaboration and Conflict Management between Regulators and the Regulated
Public Policy Decision Making and Collaboration
Designing and Facilitating Effective Large-Group Processes
About the Author