Front Cover
Half Title Page
Other Frontmatter
Title Page
Copyright Page
Notes on Contributors
Global Policy Challenges
Global Climate Change
Global Water Governance
Biodiversity and Conservation
Marine Environment Protection
Biotechnology and Biosafety
Global Chemicals Politics and Policy
Concepts and Approaches
Global Environmental Norms
Global Governance
Global Environmental Security
International Environmental Law
Green Growth
Sustainable Consumption
Climate Change Justice
Global Actors, Institutions, and Processes
The Nation-State, International Society, and the Global Environment
Transnational Environmental Activism
Business as a Global Actor
International Regime Effectiveness
Strengthening the United Nations
International Negotiations
Regionalism and Environmental Governance
Global Economy and Policy
Private Regulation in Global Environmental Governance
International Trade, the Environment, and Climate Change
Global Finance and the Environment
Energy Policy and Climate Change
Economic Instruments for Climate Change
International Aid and Adaptation to Climate Change