Front matter
List of Contributors
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Fifty Shades of Gray Literature Deconstructing High Infant Mortality With New Data Sets in Historic Cemetery Populations
Chapter 3 Direct Digital Radiographic Imaging of Archaeological Skeletal Assemblages An Advantageous Technique and the Use of the Images as a Research
Chapter 4 Readmitted Under Urgent Circumstance Uniting Archives and Bioarchaeology at the Royal London Hospital
Chapter 5 Reading Between the Lines Disparate Data and Castration Studies
Chapter 6 Hunting for Pathogens Ancient DNA and the Historical Record
Chapter 7 The Use of Linguistic Data in Bioarchaeological Research An Example From the American Southwest
Chapter 8 The Present Informs the Past Incorporating Modern Clinical Data Into Paleopathological Analyses of Metabolic Bone Disease
Chapter 9 Uniting Perception and Reality in Human Nutrition Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Data to Understand Consumption
Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Directions Converging Disparate Approaches in a New Biological Anthropology