Front matter
Client Manual
Chapter 1 Why Is It Important to Culturally Adapt Therapy for Asian Heritage Populations
Chapter 2 What Do We Mean by Culturally Adapting Psychotherapy
Chapter 3 Understanding Cultural Influences on Mental Health
Chapter 4 The Formative Method for Adapting Psychotherapy
Chapter 5 Introduction to the Manual and Understanding Cultural Complexities
Chapter 6 Understanding How This Program Can Help You Take Control of Your Emotions Session 1 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 7 Providing Psychoeducation About Depression and Its Treatment Session 2 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 8 Defining and Visualizing Your Goals Session 3 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 9 Practicing Behavioral Strengthening Effective Problem Solving Session 4 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 10 Practicing Behavioral Strengthening Improving Your Communication Skills Session 5 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 11 Practicing Cognitive Strengthening Understanding Unhealthy Thinking Patterns Session 6 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 12 Practicing Mental Strengthening Learning Effective Thinking Strategies Session 7 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 13 Practicing Internal Strengthening Engaging in Healthy Activities Session 8 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 14 Practicing Internal Strengthening Managing Your Stress Through Relaxation Training Session 9 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 15 Practicing Emotional Strengthening Principles of Everyday Healthy Living Session 10 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 16 Strengthening Family Relationships Session 11 of the Treatment Manual
Chapter 17 Reflecting Upon Our Journey and Planning the Road Ahead Session 12 of the Treatment Manual